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Have WE not learned anything yet?

(from NBC News March 8th, 2024)

1. U.S. intelligence agencies plan to provide briefings to former President Donald Trump this year if he secures the Republican presidential nomination, even though he faces federal criminal charges that he mishandled classified information after he left office.

Why do we keep treating this “out on BAIL con-man”,  like he is your average run-of-the-mill presidential candidate?

A word from Trump’s former national security adviser, John Bolton

“No prior presidential candidate has ever been under indictment for compromising classified informationThat alone is reason to withhold intelligence briefings”

At last count, Trump has 70 boxes of classified documents, give or take a few I’m sure he sold. 

The point is that he should be giving the United States intelligence briefing from all the shit that has grifted over the years.

Have you seen, Viktor Orban?

2. I have he’s In Florida talking to Trump

Let’s see if we can play Connect the Dots

We always hear that the answer to a crime or problem

Some clues:

Orban is an authoritarian leader, and an Idol to Trump 

Trump owes about $650 million with interest to settle the New York fraud case.

We know Trump owes his lawyers up to  $40 million and growing 

We know that the Trump family has taken over RNC

We know Trump has 70  boxes of classified documents. 

Orban has connections to, PutinXi Jinping Kim Jong Un

Or as Trump calls them his 3 Amigos

My Predicting 

Fast forward 2025

(Don’t worry Bidin won)

Breaking news

More Trump Leagel news 

It seems that during Orban's visit to Mar-a-go in March of 2024 

Trump sold………

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