, pub-7816866212897794, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-7816866212897794, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
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Just how dumb does he think you are? 

 "He speaks for us" What?

I hear this phrase all the time from Trump supporters 

on Washington Journal,

Being a chef for 45 years the heat of the kitchen has probably baked a few brain cells.91 indictments in and you still hear,

“It’s all fake news” or “Bidin Department of justice”,

So with that, I offer with your approval of course:

evidence part 1

Before Mr. Trump went to Washington, him and his daddy had some

Then there's that little white lie he proclaims,

“I’m a self-made Millionaire”

May I put in place for your approval 

evidence part 2

evidence part 3

Then Donny grows up and moves to the Big City

Welcome to the 80’s

evidence part 4

One thing Trump learned from Poppy Trump, was 

That brings us to the election of our lifetime.

Do I think Bidin is the all-in answer for all that hurts us?

I answer that with a BIG FAT NO.

But If the above 4 YouTube clips don’t change your mind,

 about  Little D. Then he does speak and think for you.

My answer to that would be that I remember a TV commercial for the 

It’s True

Your Thoughts?

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