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All In 1 Lifetime

  I just remember looking out my 11th-floor bedroom window at 352 East 138 Street, in the Bronx, yelling at my Mother           

 “Look Mom fireworks!”

     The night was Friday, April 5th, 1968, and those “fireworks” were burning buildings. The reaction was the result of the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King. The following morning we took the early train to our weekend house 60 miles north of New York City, in Putnam County. Only to get off the train and hear that there are race riots in Peekskill and Highland Falls, New York. Highland Falls is right next to West Point, Yes that  West Point. 

        I was talking to one of my best friends on the night of Tuesday, November 4th, 2008, when the news of Barack Obama won the presidency of the United States. A Nation cried tears of Joy.

And then in 8 years  “Our Nation” went from

“Class to Ass”  

It’s that time again 

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