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Do you Really think he is worth it?

In my last blog, I asked the question, why are we pretending that the

Republican Presidential candidate is normal. Thank you to all who read it and left comments. So today I ask the above question.

Yes, Trump is full of bluster and a lot of hot air. But the difference between his first term and God forbid his next is, that there will be no guardrails and even worse no one to tell him “you can” do that”.

So now you hear “Oh stop you just have Trump deranged syndrome”

Here’s the issue Trump, for the most part, is a moron, it’s the people behind & around him, that are pulling the strings of what he should do.

What’s that need more proof?

So His plan is for HIM yes HIM to be the do-all and end-all for all things in  

So let’s break down HIS master for you and your family’s life

He will tell you and your children what you can read.

He will tell you and your children what you can listen to.

He will tell you and your children what you can watch on television.

He will tell you and your children what can be on Radio and TV.

He will tell you and your children what God you can pray to.

He will tell you and your children what Bible to read.

He will tell you and your children that there is no homosexuality for it is a sin. (even though there is quite a bit in the Bible)

He will tell you and your children if are the right color.

He will tell you and your children if are the right Nationality.

He will tell you and your children that regulatory commissions are bad, especially,, the DOJ, FAA, FDIC, & FTC, FCC, &  STB & FDA

He will tell you and your children if you can VOTE.

To Think all that detail out of a two-minute video that Trump put out.

Here is just one example of what his deregulation has done

Here’s more at a glance

 I’m sure as some of the comments I get back (and again thank you)

“Oh Joe your full of shit”

If that is the case then

I hope you think he’s worth it!!

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