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How Can They Stay So Angry?

     Have you ever seen someone, who always looks Pissed at the world?

Listen, like anything, in life, there are highs and lows, peaks and valleys, sunny days, and rainy days. To put it in good old American English,

         My point is YES SHIT HAPPENS your goal, however, is not to be dragged down by it. My Motto for my first 66 years has always been, 

             Now I'm not saying to turn on society totally, just the opposite care until it hurts, but after a while, if you hear the same old I'm a victim bullshit

 Just walk away, and whatever you do don’t look back. 


               Understand that nobody has a perfect life, as mentioned earlier 

“it happens”. But there comes a time when you have to look at yourself in the mirror and realize “It’s me or the situation you find yourself in, Fuck that I WIN”. I don’t understand how some people clutch on to hate like it’s a lifesaver. Sadly however they do, and they do their best to convince you that Your life sucks as well, (case in point Trump). 

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