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Just F CK Off Donnie

  What is a  Bully

The Bully is back

        The other day the Bully said

          Here is one way to Handle the Bully

     Another way to handle the Bully

Here is my Christmas wish for the next four years. Someone, anyone, not just in America, a world leader will do. 

Just stand up to Trump, I mean give him a big Fuck You Donnie! and see what happens. I kinda have a glue, 

First, He will go on his truth bullshit platform and contest that Obama or Biden or the old deep state is out to get you and how he is standing in the flood, to protect you.

Second, He will tweet binge about how him and Elon will primarying everyone against him, and how he is sticking up for America.

       Here’s what you won’t see, Little Donnie throwing Ketcup against the wall while screaming “It's not fair”. 

The bottom line is Trump is nothing more than a 79-year-old baby spoiled to the core, by mommy and daddy, and how he has never needed to grow up.

There is always a time and place for a good Fuck off Donnie.

Elections have Consequences get involved call your

Local Senator or Congressman

 (202) 224-3121

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