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Pure Slim, As he lies to your Face

  Facts about:   Saturday, January 4th, 2025

So today’s question on the Washington Journal on C-span was,  

      “What do you consider the biggest Threat to America?”

       The border, Democrats, Trump, it like the same answers every day. Of course, one caller said with a resounding voice, 

                  “We have to give Trump another chance”

        Another chance? 

              The man could not be hired at McDonald's, think about that for a second. Here are a few more jobs he couldn’t be employed for, athletic trainers, dentists, pawnbrokers, psychologists, massage therapists, major contractors, veterinarians, social workers, physician's assistants, and radiographers. Now, to be honest, Trump might not have the credentials to do some of these jobs, but you catch my drift. So naturally what does America do? They voted him in to be President of the United States. AGAIN. 

                           It’s the Little Rascals all over again


       A Thought, just think for a moment, Trump would have to think that a video of this grand old Saturday night party would get out. But he doesn’t give a shit. And that's the crux of Trump's whole life. He doesn’t give a shit, as long as he gets his.

                        It's all Merrick Garland’s fault, news at 11


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