So for what I have read and heard that Biden, just like Obama, like Reagan, like Both Bushes, had a bad first Debate. The difference here is however the person that won that thinks he won the first debate, staired into the American homes and lie his ass off, or just answered with blah, blah. Now to be fair Biden has been working for the American people some 50 years. Trump has been lying some 78 years so he is better at it.
Biden is running to finish up what he started, the small things, Womans Rights, Voting Rights, Saver Gun Rights, Clean water , energy you know the small things in your life.
What is Trump running for? His own Freedom with 31 felonies convictions, plus a rape charge , the Grifter & Theif knows when he losses (and he will) he will be forgotten faster then last night Big Mac. I know Little Mikey Johnson and the Trump boys in congress are defense for their Orange Jesue, and even if the Extreme court favors him with total Imunity, or the Trump judge in Florida that still won't stop justice. A little delay perhaps , but Justice will find you