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We all saw what we saw, no matter what he says

      We all saw Vice President Harris kick the shit out of Trump at the big debate a few nights ago. You know Trump lost when he went into the spin room and started shouting numbers from all the polls he read. Hold a second he went into the spin room 6 minutes after the debate was finished.


        But wait where have we heard his take on “reality” before

That’s right “it was a beautiful day” in his world. 


          Now some readers took offense to my comment on the state of the Republican party. I simply ask “that maybe someone in Trump's orbit or someone from the GOP. would grow a set of balls and tell Trump,” Listen, Donnie, your 15 minutes are up, thank you, for your service, Now take your gold watch and go home” 


         These are more than likely your cult followers, the ones whom Trump can do no wrong 

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