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Thank You, Mr.Trump

  Remember when driving at night you would dim your headlights for oncoming traffic? Remember slowing down or even stopping for a red light? Remember saying “good morning” to people? How about using words like, Please, excuse me, or even  I’m sorry? How about common courtesy?

     There are other examples as well, being a long-time listener of the Washington Journal on CSPAN, callers used to talk with one another, but now they yell at one another.  

         Not only has Trump made being stupid fashionable, but America has in its wit and wisdom picked up on his manners.  So is Trump that good or are we just that gullible?

                        The answer is obvious to 49.8% of the nation.                                 Watching those clips, Yeah we are that Stupid.

Please dim your headlights.     


              Elections have Consequences get involved call your

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 (202) 224-3121

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