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“This Is Trump"s America Now”

     Those are the words of one Patrick Egan, 39, who is accused of assaulting reporter Ja'Ronn Alex, a Pacific Islander from Detroit.

        My last post was about how many Trump supporters already have voter remorse. Some of the comments I received went from, I didn’t study up on Trump this time, to Biden didn’t do enough in Gaza, and the one i love most, Trump is a businessman who knows the economy better than anyone. 

          I could spend hours on the idea that a supposed businessman, who went belly up 6 times and bankrupted 2 casinos along the way, is chosen to lead America back to Fiscal responsibility.  Let me throw in a quick trump fact, you can tell your friends around the water cooler 

            The fact that someone had to “STUDY UP” on Trump before they voted. I ask “What is there to “STUDY UP” on? He tried to OVERTHROW a free and fair election. Is that not enough of a reason not to vote for him? What more do you need? How about the list of crimes he is charged with?

            I hate the term “Low-Information Voter” so if this is really Trump’s America, we should call them just plain “Stupid Voters” who by the way are going to get hurt first under Trump's rule. 

P.s This is Our America, not Trump’s

Elections have Consequences get involved call your

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 (202) 224-3121

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