So the Republican party would like you to believe the nation's economy was much better under Trump.
Using some facts from those wild leftist folks at Bloomberg news
So pending what the above facts mean, you can call bullshit if you would like to. On the other hand, looking back at Trump's history he knows he is going to lose again. Even bigger this time
Why else is he already screaming “RIGGED” again?
Now if you are saying Bullshit Joe, and you are going to stand by the old line.
“Because 2020 was stolen and rigged”
I Don't want to argue this point please, go find a mirror and talk to it.
Often I do ask myself how America made it 44 presidents without hearing
“Rigged, Stolen, Fake news, Immunity, Insurecstion” to name just a few? Of course, just in the last few hours, Trump has lowered the bar even more
Selling Trump-endorsed Bibbles for $60.00 plus shipping
Not to mention this little number that would land you or me a visit from the FBI and perhaps some jail time.