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Two on a Cross

Q. What did Donald Trump tell Jesus? A. Move over.

Hate him or Love him, he is one entertaining victim, liar, prick, scumbag, and last but not least our next President.

   May I present his latest rant, after his New York verdict came down   Live from Florida: on Truth Social:  

      “After spending tens of millions of dollars, wasting over 6 years of obsessive work that should have been spent on protecting New Yorkers from violent, rampant crime that is destroying the City and State, coordinating with the Biden/Harris Department of Injustice in lawless Weaponization, and bringing completely baseless, illegal, and fake charges against your 45th and 47th President, ME, I was given an UNCONDITIONAL DISCHARGE,

      The real Jury, the American People, have spoken, by Re-Electing me with an overwhelming MANDATE in one of the most consequential Elections in History, As the American People have seen, this ‘case’ had no crime, no damages, no proof, no facts, no Law, only a highly conflicted Judge, a star witness who is a disbarred, disgraced, serial perjurer, and criminal Election Interference. Today’s event was a despicable charade. I was treated very, very unfairly, and I thank you very much”

                  Here’s his problem, he knows his full of shit. Trump's life has been one lie on top of another.  He is also from the school of “Repeat and Rines”, repeat that lie until it’s the truth. Because then Faux News swears to it, sound familiar

Yes the truth STILL matters

 Elections have Consequences get involved call your

 Local Senator or Congressman

 (202) 224-3121

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