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Yes, Now Its Pay To Pray

He Has No Shame

  I had plans to watch some College football today when this story caught my ire. The question on C-Span’s Washington Journal this morning was, “What do you want Washington to do this year?” 

          You mostly heard both parties should work together, for the American people. One person proclaimed, and I quote “Now that we have an Honest man in the White House, we can trust Washington again” After I mumbled you poor @#@#@#@ I shut it off.

          And now I see this article, my first impression was,  No this is Bullshit, however, after I fact-checked it, Oh God it’s true.

                   To this, I say Let there Be Hope

                So as our country mourns the passing of President 

         James Earl Carter Jr.     

       To the caller I say, pony up your  $1000,000, and you too can pray next to the least religious person our nation has ever made President, once again.

Happy New Year America!!

 Elections have Consequences get involved call your

 Local Senator or Congressman

 (202) 224-3121

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